JoshWho Search is a metasearch engine, aggregating the results of other search engines while not storing information about its users.
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If you do care about privacy, want to be a conscious user, or otherwise believe in digital freedom, make searx your default search engine or run it on your own server
JoshWho Search is a metasearch engine, inspired by the seeks project. It provides basic privacy by mixing your queries with searches on other platforms without storing search data. Queries are made using a POST request on every browser (except Chromium-based browsers*). Therefore they show up in neither our logs, nor your url history. In the case of Chromium-based browser users there is an exception: searx uses the search bar to perform GET requests. JoshWho Search can be added to your browser's search bar; moreover, it can be set as the default search engine.
JoshWho Search supports OpenSearch. For more information on changing your default search engine, see your browser's documentation: